Hand Wind Blackout Emergency LED Flashlight with NOAA Alert
If you are worried about a black out, or just want the most features ever from a flashlight, the new Blackout NOAA from Viatek has everything you will ever need. |
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information directly from a nearby National Weather Service office . NWR broadcasts National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts, PUBLIC ALERTS and other hazard information 24 hours a day.
CEA defines Public Alert as a consumer electronics product providing direct access to government emergency information 24-hours-a-day, with the ability to automatically prompt users with various types of audio and visual cues. The products are sophisticated enough to recognize specific alerts for specific geographic regions, while monitoring emergency conditions at the state and national levels. All certified Public Alert devices meet the CEA standard for compatibility and certification, and receive free public broadcasts from NOAA Weather Radio network and Environment Canada's Meteorological Service of Canada Weatheradio network. |
KEY Features |
•Charge by Dynamo or Outlet
•AM/FM Auto Scan
•Weather band/NOAA
•Automatic Alert Mode
•Volume control
•Siren for NOAA Alert
•90 dB Loudness Level
•Speaker or earphone jack
•Antenna built into flashlight
•Monitors US Emergency ALert System
•Digital Clock- 12/24 hr format
•EL Backlight on clock.
•Calendar with D/M/Y display
•5 LED’s Super Bright White.
•Button- On-Off-SOS Flash |
- 911 Telephone Outage Emergency
- Avalanche Warning
- Avalanche Watch
- Biological Hazard Warning
- Blizzard Warning
- Boil Water Warning
- Chemical Hazard Warning
- Child Abduction Emergency
- Civil Danger Warning
- Civil Emergency Message
- Coastal Flood Warning
- Coastal Flood Watch
- Contagious Disease Warning
- Dam Break Warning
- Dam Watch
- Dust Storm Warning
- Earthquake Warning
- Emergency Action Notification
- Emergency Action Termination
- Evacuation Watch
- Fire Warning
- Flash Flood Watch
- Flash Flood Statement
- Flash Flood Warning
- Flash Freeze Warning
- Flood Statement
- Flood Warning
- Flood Watch
- Food Contamination Warning
- Freeze Warning
- Hazardous Materials Warning
- Hurricane Statement
- Hurricane Warning
- Hurricane Watch
- High Wind Warning
- High Wind Watch
- Iceberg Warning
- Immediate Evacuation
- Industrial Fire Warning
- Land Slide Warning
- Law Enforcement Warning
- Local Area Emergency
- Nuclear Power Plant Warning
- Power Outage Advisory
- Radiological Hazard Warning
- Shelter In-Place Warning
- Special Marine Warning
- Special Weather Statement
- Severe Thunderstorm Warning
- Severe Thunderstorm Watch
- Severe Weather Statement
- Tornado Warning
- Tornado Watch
- Tropical Storm Warning
- Tropical Storm Watch
- Tsunami Warning
- Tsunami Watch
- Volcano Warning
- Wild Fire Warning
- Wild Fire Watch
- Winter Storm Warning
- Winter Storm Watch
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